Boy she looks happy and content :)
Donna Nook is the place to be to take great photographs of grey seals during pupping season.
I spotted this happy smiling seal from the viewing area, the seals come up to the fence because they know people don’t bother them, they have the protection of the fence, if you stay on the other side of the barrier they can relax and you get some brilliant shots of them acting naturally.
Some selfish folks with the intelligence of a foot print, walk amongst the pupping seal colony just to get a photograph, disgusting people with no moral compass, pure and simply selfish.
Their irresponsible behaviour means there photo could result in the death of a baby seal, humans walking amongst the seal colony results in stress and mothers abandon their pups and they die if they don’t feel safe.
I would recommend going to Donna Nook to see the seal, just stay in the viewing area to protect these beautiful animals. In the viewing area they come right up to the fence, so you can get plenty of good shots without it causing harm to the grey seals, as I have proven with my images on this site.