Boy she looks happy and content :) Donna Nook is the place to be to take great photographs of grey seals during pupping season. I spotted this happy smiling seal from the viewing area, the seals come up to the fence because they know people don’t bother them, they have the protection of the fence, […]
Photography Art Projects – Enchanted Tree
I spotted an awesome tree that looked like a monster at my local nature resereve and it gave me the idea to draw over it and create a Enchanted Tree. Looking for natural flora and fauna in the enviroment to turn into art work adds another aspect to my photography experience, when I can’t find […]
Beach Photography – Under Skegness Pier Image
A photograph most people never take of under Skegness Pier. Very little of this Victorian pier has any of it’s ornamental structure left, it was destroyed by storms years ago. The Pier has some nice iron railings and fancy lamps, but today’s pier is nothing compared to the grandeur of Skegness Pier in Victorian times. […]
Animal Photography – Baby Water Vole Picture
We spent a good 20 minutes watching this little guy find his dinner :) I was surprised to see this water vole on a bank of a ditch happily going about it’s business with loads of people passing by. Water Voles are usually quite skittish, but this little water vole seemed not to bothered by […]
Plant Photography – Common Spotted Orchid – Wild Orchid Photo
I ‘spotted’ :) this common Spotted orchid at Snipesdale country park in June. You can find Snipesdale Nature reserve near Spilsby in Lincolnshire the country park is run by Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust. Snipesdale is very hilly but a lovely place to visit, the country park goes along valley and the nature reserve is a wood, […]
Winter Photography – Snowman Picture
We didn’t have enough snow to make our snowman stand up so we made him lay on the floor. Makes a really good photograph, the kind of image you might find on a Christmas card. Our snow mans hair was pineapple leaves, his buttons are milk bottle tops, eyes and mouth are conkers, nose an […]