I was lucky to get this shot. I took this picture on Skegness Beach in Lincolnshire on a cold spring day. I spotted a got Landscape photograph opportunity in front of me, at the time the sun was behind the big rain cloud and the suns raise was streaming through. Just as I took the […]
Bird Photography – Feeding Gull Photo
Clear blue sky, frosted trees and a striking red beak. I took this picture on a very cold day at our local park, we’d gone to feed the ducks and the sea gulls wanted their share :) Perfect positioning of the bird in the center of the over head trees, the twisting of the gulls […]
Winter Photography – Ducks in the Snow at the Park Picture
I took this picture at my local Park, since it was cold I couldn’t hang around much as any photographer will tell you your hands and the tips are your finger really suffer in winter and I was lucky enough to snap the photograph just as one bird was flying in shot and the other […]
Animal Photography – Wild Baby Rabbit Image
Arrhh! This sweet little wild rabbit was on my garden for a full day, which is a surprise since I live off a main road and the only wild life I see from my window is starlings, pigeons and drunks :)
Read more about the Wild Baby Rabbit on my Garden.
Animal Photography – Bright Eyed Grey Squirrel Picture
My son got up close to this cute little squirrel, we just happened to be walking passed one autumn day. I love his bright sparkling eyes, I’ve taken lots of pictures of squirrels, but I’ve never caught one on camera with such bright eyes. I stood admiring this grey squirrel for a few minutes until […]