This picture was taken during the SO Festival in Skegness. Skegness SO Festival is working in partnership with the London Olympic 2012 and this firework display will be seen in London in 2012. My camera which is a Fujifilm finepix HS20 EXR isn’t very good at night time photography, the image of the fireworks is […]
Landscape Photography – Skegness Beach Lincolnshire Image
I like this picture I took it on a clear crisp spring morning. I like the way the picture draws you in along the path with the different contrasting landscapes running along either side. It’s like looking at a patchwork of different materials all heading in the same direction, from the sea and sand on […]
Beach Photography – Tree Trunk on Beach Image
This was a massive tree trunk that had been washed up onto Skegness Beach, it’s been totally covered with sand now just the end of it is showing. If you look closely at the picture in the distance you can see to two walkers dressed in red. The tree branch frames the Two walkers, they […]
Bird Photography – Young Starling at the Beach picture
Awesome picture one of my best. I find starlings to be very cooperative and photogenic. Starlings are one of the best subjects to take a picture of, their brash, confident and full of character they have no fear and that is to be admired. Yet few people bother to take pictures of starling taking them […]
Plant Photography – Blue Tit Eating Cherry Blossom Photograph
I was out walking down a street and spotted blue tits eating the cherry blossom on the trees that lines the path. It was not easy taking this photograph, blue tits never sit still trying to find them in the view finder is hard enough for a photographer, let alone the time it takes for […]
Beach Photography – Beach Donkeys in Skegness
Just after taking this picture the donkey nibbling the garden fork handle knocked it over. Lovely picture of two beach donkeys. I’ve always been torn between whether it’s acceptable to have beach donkeys in 2011, I’ve never let my children ride them, donkeys always look so sad and I feel to sorry for them having […]
Statue Photography – Skegness Clock Tower Photograph
Was playing around taking photographs of the Jolly Fisherman’s Statue on Compass Gardens in Skegness one grey rainy day when I got this beauty :) Both the clock tower and the Jolly Fisherman are iconic landmarks in Skegness, not what you might expect in Skeggy. This picture is a classy take on the usual gaudy […]
Water Photography – Bottle Floating on Water Photo
I love the reflection of the bottle in the water, the picture pick up just a little movement of the water, but not enough to distort the bottles reflection. Great symmetry, every piece of mud and shadow is perfectly repeated in the water. I wish I could say that it was because the water was […]
Insect Photography – Green Dragonfly
I’m proud of this Image one of my best. I was lucky enough to get a good picture with a cooperative subject. dragonfly same as butterflies can be so difficult to take a picture of, as soon as you spot them their off. I’ve ran down many a path trying to get a decent Insect […]