These two woman got told off by a parent Goose for getting to close to it’s young goslings.
This Goose wasn’t complaining while these two ladies was were feeding them, that’s geese for you, ungrateful :)
Point, Shoot and have Fun with Photography
I stumbled upon the opportunity to captured this picture in Skegness of a street artist. I really like street artists they make good photography opportunities although I wasn’t going to take this picture at first I;m a little shy of pointing my camera at people, so when my hubby asked me if I wanted to […]
I Took this picture at the back of the beach in Skegness, if you look closely at the far end of the mock castle walls you will see a giant slide :) Turning the photograph black and white gave this other wise mundane photograph and edgy feel, I really like it. love the seagulls above […]
The best photograph I have taken so far of Skegness Pier I deside to keep this photograph on it’s side, I took the photograph vertically, but I think it looks better displayed Horizontally it has more visual impact. My hubby preferes to view the picture verticle more than horizontal, but I’m the photographer and I […]
Took this picture of a twisted tree trunk when I spent an evening at a nature reserve, we went off the beaten path chasing the sound of a cuckoo (shhh! don’t tell anyone :)) and I found a wood of dead trees, they where all skeleton trees, pasty white and brittle, didn’t see the cuckoo […]
This Avocet Photograph was taken at Gibraltar Point nature reserve on the East Coat of Britain. The Avocet was almost wiped out in Britain when natural land the Avocet breeds on was reclaimed, it wasn’t until world war II that the Avocet made a come back on the East Coast when the land that had […]
This photograph is a great memory for me. We had been on a family walk on a late sunny afternoon in winter, when we stumbled across a big log that had been washed up on the beach and some one had placed a small red rose bud in between the wood. We stood looking admiring […]
I got a rare opportunity in my home town to capture action shots of motorcyclist during the AMCA beach Race in Skegness. This was the first time I had ever taken photographs of a motor sport, I wanted to catch the action in a still image and I think I did this, it took me […]